- Cordials
Heart & Soul Cordial – 8oz
- $23.00
- *Weak arteries and veins can lead to blood clots and increased cholesterol and calcium buildup which can lead to aneurysm, heart attack, and stroke. This formula helps to protect the heart and entire cardiovascular system and should be used daily as a tonic to tone and strengthen arteries and vein. *FDA Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the…
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- Extracts - 1oz
Heart Formula Extract
- $12.00
- *This formula helps to strengthen and tone the heart and entire circulatory system. When used in combination with Kidney Cleanse, Circulatory Tonic, and Immune Support, this formula helps to strengthen capillaries, remove calcium and cholesterol from arteries, and promotes healthy blood pressure levels. *FDA Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product…
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- Extracts - 1oz
Hormone Formula Extract
- $12.00
- *This formula promotes balance of the female hormones, specifically estrogen and progesterone, to restore balance which produces a normal and consistent menstrual cycle. When the hormones are balanced hot flashes, painful periods, and excessive bleeding will all be diminished or eliminated. The liver processes hormones so this formula combines well with the Liver Formula. *FDA Disclaimer: These statements have…
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- Extracts - 1oz
Immune & Lymph Formula Extract
- $14.00
- *When the organs (tonsils, adenoids, spleen, appendix, and lymph nodes) of the immune system become overwhelmed, swollen, inflamed, or congested with toxic waste, they are not able to function at their optimal level, protect us from opportunistic microorganisms, clean and clear away dead and damaged cells, or properly remove waste material from the body. As a result, uncontrolled excessive growth…
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- Extracts - 1oz
Joint & Muscle Pain Extract
- $12.00
- *This formula enhances the body’s natural ability to clean and clear waste materials (i,e calcium deposits) and provide nutrients to the joints resulting in significantly decreased pain. This formula, unlike the Joint Pain formula, also promotes the body’s natural ability to relax muscles which may result in a decrease of muscle cramping and pain. *FDA Disclaimer: These statements have…
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- Extracts - 1oz
Kidney Cleanse Extract
- $12.00
- *Consuming a diet of excess with a chronically dehydrated body can lead to unnatural build up of calcium deposits or stones in the kidneys. When the kidneys are filled with these deposits and stones, the natural ability of the kidney to filter and remove waste material from the body becomes compromised. This can lead to allergic responses, acne, joint pain,…
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- Extracts - 1oz
Kidney Formula Extract
- $12.00
- *When the kidneys are weak and overstressed from dehydration and a diet of excess, the entire urinary tract becomes susceptible to infections. This formula naturally strengthens and tones the entire urinary tract making it inhospitable for infectious microorganisms to grow. It’s best when used in combination with any of the Immune Formulas. *FDA Disclaimer: These statements have not been…
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- Extracts - 1oz
LGK Formula Extract
- $12.00
- *When the gallbladder, liver, and bile and pancreatic duct are free from stones, digestion and blood sugar balance will improve dramatically. Freeing the kidneys of stones and calcifications helps to improve it’s ability to filter waste from the body and helps the body to maintain balanced levels of fluid which improves and helps maintain healthy blood pressure levels. This formula…
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- Extracts - 1oz
Liver Formula Extract
- $12.00
- *The liver is an amazing essential organ that performs over 500 functions to keep us healthy! It plays a vital role in digestion. This formula uses herbs that tones, detoxifies and cleanses, rebuilds and rejuvenates the liver. This formula can be used alone or as a part of the Entire Body Cleanse. It combines well with the Pancreas Support for…
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- Extracts - 1oz
Lung Formula Extract
- $12.00
- *This formula helps strengthen, tone, and nourish the lungs making them inhospitable to infectious microorganisms and chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation and excess mucous are hallmarks of degenerate lungs which results in asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, etc. This formula contains herbs that were traditionally used to drastically reduce lung inflammation and clear and expel mucous from the lungs. This formula works best…
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