Entire Body Cleanse


*Traditionally, cleanses and detoxes were performed seasonally in indigenous cultures.  When organs, especially eliminative organs, become congested, they are not able to remove waste products from our body effectively.  As a result, waste product will build up in the body usually in fats cells or in our joints aways from major organs.  This cleanse tones, strengthens, rejuvenates, and nourishes all the major eliminative organs so that they can effectively perform their job of waste removal allowing your body to absorb and utilize all of the nutrients that it is given.

*FDA Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


*Traditionally, cleanses and detoxes were performed seasonally in indigenous cultures.  When organs, especially eliminative organs, become congested, they are not able to remove waste products from our body effectively.  As a result, waste product will build up in the body usually in fats cells or in our joints aways from major organs.  This cleanse tones, strengthens, rejuvenates, and nourishes all the major eliminative organs so that they can effectively perform their job of waste removal allowing your body to absorb and utilize all of the nutrients that it is given.


This cleanse is recommended for 21 days.  It can be taken in shorter intervals such as 5, 7, and 10 days.  However, the best results will be seen with the full 21 day cleanse and can be extended to 30 days or more. 


The recommended diet is a raw uncooked vegan diet.  A raw uncooked vegan diet is filled with minerals and enzymes which ensures that toxins and other accumulated waste (i.e. scar tissue, hardened mucous, calcifications, stones) will be removed from the body.  This diet also ensures that you are getting properly hydrated as fresh fruits and vegetables contain the perfect amount of water and electrolytes.   


Plenty of fresh clean water, preferably spring water, should be taken during the cleanse.  Take each formula, including liquid tinctures with at least 8 oz of water to ensure you are properly hydrated during the cleanse.  Divide your weight by two and that is the number of ounces of water that you should be drinking daily.  For example, if you weigh 180 pounds you will divide 180 by 2 and get 90.  You should be drinking 90 oz of water daily.  You will get at least 56 oz of that amount of water if you take each formula with 8 oz of water.


Prior to the cleanse, begin to prepare yourself.  If you are not use to drinking water, work your way up to the proper amount of water that you should be drinking daily (see above to calculate the amount of water you need).  You can also decrease the intensity of the cleanse reactions (headache, light headiness, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, cold, flu, etc.) that you may experience during the first few days of the cleanse by decreasing the amount of animal products and processed foods you eat during the cleanse and increasing the amount of fresh foods with high amounts of enzymes.

Cleansing and the cleansing diet can be a drastic change if you are use to consuming the Standard American Diet.  Our bodies are more than capable of handling the cleanse but our minds, mentality, or thought processes can be a hinderance.  Identify your negative thoughts and neutralize each one of them.  Take each moment by moment.  Do not worry about how many days left you have on the cleanse as this can discourage you from completing it.  Focus on all the foods that you can you can eat instead of what you cannot eat.

Do not take with prescription medication.  Consult your health care provider.

Not recommended.

Adults and children over the age of 12

CLEANSE SCHEDULE (Adjust as Needed)




Blood Builder

7:00 am

1 Teaspoon

Immune & Lymph

9:00 am

1 Dropperful

Systemic Antiviral

11:00 am

1 Dropperful


1:00 pm

1 Dropperful


3:00 pm

1 Dropperful


5:00 pm

1 Dropperful

Colon & Parasite

7:00 pm

1 Teaspoon

This is a sample schedule, adjust as needed.  Keep at least 2 hours between each formula to give them an opportunity to work independently of each other.


BLOOD BUILDER – 2oz Powder
*This formula promotes the body’s own natural ability to build the blood.  When the blood is properly built and free of waste material it can efficiently transport nutrients, especially iron and oxygen, to the body’s tissues and organs for optimal function.  When the blood is poorly built, signs of poor circulation and anemia can be seen such as low energy, dizziness, difficulty concentrating/thinking, headache, leg pain/cramping, lightheadedness, etc.  This formula works well for anyone but works especially for women/girls who lose large amounts of blood monthly through menses.

Ingredients:  Burdock Root, Dandelion Root, Japanese Knotweed, Nettle, Red Clover, Sarsaparilla, and Yellow Dock

IMMUNE & LYMPH – 1oz Tincture
*When the organs (tonsils, adenoids, spleen, appendix, and lymph nodes) of the immune system become overwhelmed, swollen, inflamed, or congested with toxic waste, they are not able to function at their optimal level, protect us from opportunistic microorganisms, clean and clear away dead and damaged cells, or properly remove waste material from the body.  As a result, uncontrolled excessive growth of tissue on any part of the body can occur including the breast, cervix, prostate, uterus, ovaries, lung, thyroid, and colon.  This formula contains a variety of mushrooms, which have been used traditionally to stimulate innate immune cells especially natural killer cells that get rid of cells that act in abnormal ways. 

Ingredients: Chaga, Cordyceps, Eleuthro, Lion’s Mane, Poke Root, Red Root, Reishi, Red Clover, and Rhodiola; Other Ingredients: Grain Alcohol, Apple Cider Vinegar, and Spring Water

*Viruses are protein-like substances that take over a cell either to be incorporated into the cell to provide immunity or to destroy the cell and use its machinery and metabolism to replicate.  Viruses usually destroy cells that are weak and damaged so that they can be removed from the body via the lymphatic system and then through the kidneys.  When significant amounts of cells are “infected” and destroyed by a virus one is said to have a viral infection.  Common viral infections include shingles, pneumonia, flu, Epstein-Barre, measles, mumps, hepatitis, herpes, HIV, chickenpox/varicella, herpes, HPV, viral meningitis and encephalitis, and polio.  This formula strengthens, tones, and nourishes cells making them less susceptible to viral penetration and replication.

Ingredients: Boneset, Cat’s Claw, Chinese Skullcap, Japanese Knotweed, Licorice, Lomatium, and Wormwood; Other Ingredients: Grain Alcohol, Apple Cider Vinegar, and Spring Water

LIVER FORMULA – 1oz Extract
*The liver is an amazing essential organ that performs over 500 functions to keep us healthy!  It plays a vital role in digestion.  Whatever you eat or consume, gets filtered by the liver.  It secretes bile for fat metabolism, detoxifies chemicals, stores energy, metabolizes drugs, produces cholesterol, and processes hormones.  The liver can become damaged through excess drinking of alcohol and the use of prescription and illicit drugs.  The liver is unique in that even when severely congested or damaged it can continue to perform many of its functions.  Signs and symptoms of a liver that is congested or damaged include poor digestion, nausea and vomiting, chronic fatigue, jaundice, pale or tar-colored stools, pain in the upper right abdomen, and itchy skin. This formula uses herbs that tones, detoxifies and cleanses, rebuilds and rejuvenates the liver.

Ingredients:  Blessed Thistle, Dandelion Root and Leaf, Milk Thistle Seeds, Red Root, Schisandra, Turmeric, and Wormwood; Other Ingredients: Grain Alcohol, Apple Cider Vinegar, and Spring Water

LUNG FORMULA – 1oz Extract
*This formula helps strengthen, tone, and nourish the lungs making them inhospitable to infectious microorganisms and chronic inflammation.  Chronic inflammation and excess mucous are hallmarks of degenerate lungs which results in asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, etc.  This formula contains herbs that were traditionally used to drastically reduce lung inflammation and clear and expel mucous from the lungs which improves oxygen uptake and carbon dioxide expulsion resulting in improved breathing and increased energy. 

Ingredients: Elecampane, Eucalyptus, Fenugreek, Horehound, Licorice, Lobelia, Mullein, Pleurisy Root; Other Ingredients: Grain Alcohol, Apple Cider Vinegar, and Spring Water

KIDNEY CLEANSE  – 1oz Extract
*Consuming a diet of excess with a chronically dehydrated body can lead to unnatural build up of calcium deposits or stones in the kidneys.  When the kidneys are filled with these deposits and stones, the natural ability of the kidney to filter and remove waste material from the body becomes compromised.  This can lead to allergic responses, acne, joint pain, high blood pressure, kidney stones, gout, and autoimmune disease.  This formula cleanses, strengthens and tones the kidneys making it difficulty for stones and deposits to remain in the kidneys. When kidneys are properly filtering, fluid balance in the body is maintained which helps to normalize blood pressure. Immune response also improves dramatically which decreases allergic responses.

Ingredients:  Buchu, Chanca Piedra, Goldenrod, Gravel Root, Hydrangea, Oregon Grape Root, Soursop, Usnea, and Uva Ursi; Other Ingredients: Grain Alcohol, Apple Cider Vinegar, and Spring Water

*This formula cleans and clears the colon of built up waste material to improve absorption and utilization of nutrients which helps build strong cells and tissue throughout the body making them less susceptible to damage. This formula helps soothe and heal the entire digestive tract.  It regulates bowel movements and it cleanses and removes parasites from the body.

Ingredients:  Activated Charcoal, Black Walnut Hull, Cascara Sagrada, Cloves, Licorice Root,  Marshmallow Root, Rhubarb, Slippery Elm Root, Quassia, Wormwood;

Contains no preservatives, fillers, binders, food coloring, or additives.

Container Information : 2oz/60g  Stand-Up Pouches, Silver metalized back, clear front.  Clear film provides product visibility and excellent gas/moisture protection. Metalized film provides extreme gas, moisture, and light protection.  Heat sealed for safety.

Container Information : 1oz (30mL) amber glass dropper bottle with tapered glass dropper with outer protective safety seal.

*FDA Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


Additional information

Weight 11 oz


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