Children’s Health Package


*The children’s health package is for children of all ages, but especially for infants and children ages 0-3.  The group of children in this age range are exposed to a number of environmental factors, mainly vaccinations, that can produce negative and sometimes very serious side effects or adverse reactions. This herbal package promotes the body’s own natural ability to protect itself from natural or intentional exposure to viruses and bacteria.

*FDA Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


*The children’s health package is for children of all ages, but especially for infants and children ages 0-3.  The group of children in this age range are exposed to a number of environmental factors, mainly vaccinations, that can produce negative and sometimes very serious side effects or adverse reactions.  Although all children do not have negative or adverse reactions to vaccinations, many do, as noted by the Centers for Disease Control (Please see a list of potential side effects from regularly recommended vaccines at  This herbal package promotes the body’s own natural ability to protect itself from natural or intentional exposure to viruses and bacteria. It contains the GI Tract Powder, Immune Booster Extract, Systemic Antiviral, Brain Formula, and Respiratory Formula.  Some of the formulas should be used prior to vaccinations and some should be used after and even several days following vaccination.  See instructions below for specific details.

GI TRACT POWDER – 2oz Powder
*This powder promotes and improves the body’s natural ability to maintain a healthy GI tract, from the mouth to the anus.  When a child’s body is exposed to viruses and bacteria that have an affinity for the GI tract (rotoviurs, cholera, E. coli, norovirus), severe diarrhea, vomiting, bleeding or blood stools, and/or constipation may occur. Severe diarrhea and vomiting can lead to life-threatening dehydration.  Chronic constipation can lead to diverticulitis, polyps, bleeding, and poor nutrient absorption.

Ingredients: Activated Charcoal, Barberry, Black Walnut Hull, Cloves, Licorice Root, Marshmallow Root, Quassia, Slippery Elm Root, Wormwood

*This formula promotes the body’s natural ability to protect itself from viral and bacterial infections by cleansing and clearing the lymph organs from toxic waste and cellular debris.

Ingredients: Alcohol extracts of Echinacea, Astragalus, Red Root, Rhodiola, Licorice; Other Ingredients: Grain Alcohol, Apple Cider Vinegar, and Spring Water

*This formula strengthens, tones, and nourishes cells making them less susceptible to viral penetration and replication and bacterial infection whether via natural exposure or intentional exposure, as in the case with vaccinations.  Common viral and bacterial infections that children may be exposed to include measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox/varicella, diptheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), flu, pneumonia, and Hepatitis.

Ingredients: Alcohol extracts of Boneset, Cat’s Claw, Chinese Skullcap, Japanese Knotweed, Licorice, Lomatium, and Wormwood; Other Ingredients: Grain Alcohol, Apple Cider Vinegar, and Spring Water

BRAIN FORMULA EXTRACT – 1oz Liquid Extract
*This formula strengthens, tones, and nourishes brain cells making them less susceptible to damage and inflammation as well as viral and bacterial infection.  Viral and bacterial brain infections that children may be exposed to include meningitis and encephalitis.  Chronic damage and inflammation of the brain can lead to seizures, ADHD, and Autism.  The herbs in this formula have traditionally been used to promote the healing and rebuilding of damaged brain cells and naturally increase the circulation to the brain which helps deliver the main nutrients, oxygen and glucose, to the brain for optimal function.

Ingredients: Alcohol extracts of Black Pepper, Chinese Senega Root, Chinese Skullcap, Isatis, Japanese Knotweed, Lion’s Mane, and Kudzu; bOther Ingredients: Grain Alcohol, Apple Cider Vinegar, and Spring Water

*This formula tones, cleanses, strengthens, and rejuvenates the entire respiratory tract (nose, throat, sinuses, lung) making it inhospitable to infectious microorganisms and chronic inflammation.  Viral and bacterial infections of the lungs that children may be exposed to include flu, pneumonia, respiratory syncytial virus, and rhinovirus (common cold).  Chronic inflammation can result from exposure to these bacterial and viral infections and can be confused with conditions such as hard to treat asthma and bronchitis.

Ingredients: Alcohol extracts of Chinese Senega Root, Chinese Skullcap, Elderberry, Isatis, Juniper Berry, Lungwort and Oregon Grape Root; Other Ingredients: Grain Alcohol, Apple Cider Vinegar, and Spring Water


IMMUNE BOOSTER – 3-30 drops in bottle (see child’s age below for specifics) or breastfeeding mother take 1 dropperful  1x daily, 1 week prior to vaccine

GI TRACT POWDER – 1/8 of a teaspoon in bottle (see child’s age below for specifics) RIGHT BEFORE and RIGHT AFTER vaccine.  Breastfeeding mother take 1/4-1/2 teaspoon BEFORE and RIGHT AFTER vaccine.    If diarrhea is present, continue giving/taking every 2-3 hours. 

Rotate the following every 2-3 hours AFTER vaccine for 1-2 days.  If side effects/reactions of wheezing (breathing problems), excessive crying, high-pitch screams, crankiness, fever persist, continue taking until they stop:

RESPIRATORY  – 2-30 drops in bottle (see child’s age below for specifics) or breastfeeding mother take 1 dropperful  1x daily

BRAIN FORMULA – 2-30 drops in bottle (see child’s age below for specifics) or breastfeeding mother take 1 dropperful  1x daily

IMMUNE BOOSTER – 2-30 drops in bottle (see child’s age below for specifics) or breastfeeding mother take 1 dropperful  1x daily

SYSTEMIC ANTIVIRAL – 2-30 drops in bottle (see child’s age below for specifics) or breastfeeding mother take 1 dropperful  1x daily

Liquid Extract for infants and children:
Younger than 3 months – 2 drops
3 to 6 months – 3 drops
6 to 9 months – 4 drops
9 to 12 months – 5 drops
12 to 18 months – 7 drops
18 to 24 months – 8 drops
2 to 3 years – 10 drops
3 to 4 years – 12 drops
4 to 6 years – 15 drops
6 to 9 years – 24 drops
9 to 12 years – 30 drops

Powder for Infants and children:
Younger than 3 months – <1/128 teaspoon or very tiny pinch
3 to 6 months – <1/128 teaspoon or tiny pinch
6 to 9 months – 1/128 teaspoon or small pinch
9 to 12 months – 1/64 teaspoon or pinch
12 to 18 months – 1/32 teaspoon
18 to 24 months – 1/16 teaspoon
2 to 3 years – 1/8 teaspoon
4 to 6 years – 1/4 teaspoon
6 to 9 years – 1/2 teaspoon
9 to 12 years – 1 teaspoon

Container Information : 1oz (30mL) amber glass dropper bottle with tapered glass dropper with outer protective safety seal.

Container Information : 2oz/60g  Stand-Up Pouches, Silver metalized back, clear front.  Clear film provides product visibility and excellent gas/moisture protection. Metalized film provides extreme gas, moisture, and light protection.  Heat sealed for safety.

*FDA Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Additional information

Weight 6 oz


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